The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Introduction 25


  1. Replace pronouns (he, his, him) with he or she.
    The student should raise his hand. The student should raise his or her hand.

  2. Delete pronouns (he, his, him) by rewriting sentence in the plural.
    The student sits quietly at his desk. Students sit quietly at their desks.

  3. Delete pronouns entirely from the sentence.
    The teacher read the folder on his desk. The teacher read the folder on the desk.

  4. Change pronouns to “you.”
    A person should wash his own clothes. You should wash your own clothes.

  5. Change pronouns to “one.”
    Tell the student that he can write a letter. Tell the student that one can write a letter.

  6. Replace “man” with “someone” or “no one.”
    No man is an island. No one is an island.

  7. Replace “mankind” or “ancient man” with “our ancestors” or “men and women” or “humanity.”
    This is a giant step for mankind.

Ancient man developed the...

This is a giant step for men and women.
This is a giant step for humanity.
Our ancestors developed the...

  1. Replace “men” with “humans.”
    Men have always... Humans have always...

  2. Replace “man-made” with “artificial.”
    It is a man-made reservoir. It is an artificial reservoir.

  3. Replace “spokesman” with “spokesperson” or “representative.”
    The spokesman for the client’s family
    has arrived.

The representative for the client’s family has

  1. Replace “chairman” with “chairperson” or “chair.”
    The chairman called the meeting to order. The chair called the meeting to order.

  2. Replace “Englishmen” or “Frenchmen” with “the English” or “the French.”
    Englishmen always serve tea with scones. The English always serve tea with scones.

  3. Replace “steward” and “stewardess” with “flight attendant.”
    The stewardess served the meal. The flight attendant served the meal.

  4. Replace “salesman” with “salesperson,” “salespeople,” “sales representative,” or “sales clerks.”
    Mary is a traveling salesman. Mary is a traveling salesperson.
    Source: Adapted from Miller and Swift (1980).

represented in the studies of sex comparisons.
The idea here is that sex is an attribute of a per-
son; investigators compare the thoughts, feel-
ings, and behaviors of men and women. Deaux
(1984) concludes that this approach has shown
that most sex differences are qualified by inter-
actions with context; for example, sex differ-
ences in conformity appear in some situations
(e.g., public) but not in others (e.g., private).

A second approach has been to study the psy-
chological differences between women and
men: femininity and masculinity. This second
approach is still an individual differences ap-
proach, but the subject is the social category of
gender roles rather than the biological category
of sex. Here, we examine how gender roles in-
fluence people’s thoughts, feelings, and behav-
iors. Is being female associated with providing

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