The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Mental Health 539

more frequently than men. Substance abuse,
depression, and impaired social relations
all play a role in suicidal behavior among
adolescents and adults.

The last mental health problem
reviewed was suicide. Men commit suicide
more frequently than women at all ages
and across most cultures, but women
contemplate suicide and attempt suicide

  1. Which methodological bias do you
    believe is most likely to undermine
    sex differences in depression?

  2. What kind of experiences during
    childhood, adolescence, and
    adulthood do females face
    compared to males that might
    instill learned helplessness?

  3. Debate the following statement:
    Men engage in problem-focused
    coping and women engage in
    emotion-focused coping.

  4. Explain how rumination leads to

  5. What is the difference between the
    differential exposure and the dif-
    ferential vulnerability hypotheses
    concerning the relation of stressful
    events to depression?

  6. Which aspects of gender roles are
    related to depression?
    7. What are some of the reasons that
    sex differences in depression emerge
    during adolescence?
    8. Describe the aspects of the male
    gender role and the female gender
    role that hinder and facilitate
    adjustment to chronic illness.
    9. Considering the traits of agency and
    communion, characterize the couple
    that would adapt the best to chronic

  7. How does society contribute to the
    development of eating disorders in
    women? In men?

  8. Discuss how the difficulties in docu-
    menting suicide rates and suicide at-
    tempts might alter the sex difference
    in suicide and suicide attempts.

  9. What social factors are associated
    with suicide in females and males?

Discussion Questions

Groesz, L. M., Levine, M. P., & Murnen,
S. K. (2002). The effect of experimental
presentation of thin media images on
body satisfaction: A meta-analytic review.
International Journal of Eating Disorders,
31 , 1–16.
Helgeson, V. S., & Fritz, H. L. (1998). A theory
of unmitigated communion.Personality
and Social Psychology Review, 2, 173–183.

Hughes, T. L., Smith, C., & Dan, A. (Eds.).
(2003).Mental health issues for sexual
minority women: Redefining women’s mental
health. New York: Harrington Park Press.
Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Hilt, L. M. (2009).
Handbook of depression in adolescents.
New York: Routledge.
Payne, S., Swami, V., & Stanistreet, D.
(2008). The social construction of gender

Suggested Reading

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