Advanced Automotive Technology: Visions of a Super-Efficient Family Car

(avery) #1

. Fuel cell vehicles that are essentially EVs or hybrids, with primary electricity supplied by an
electrochemical device that transforms a hydrogen-bearing fuel (for example, hydrogen, methanol,
natural gas) into electricity without combustion.^10

The report next describes current research activities in the United States, Japan, and Western
Europe. Its principal focus is on national and regional programs, and it discusses a range of issues
associated with the U.S. government role in supporting automotive R&D. The report concludes
with appendices that explain the methodology used by the Office of Technology Assessment to
evaluate the performance and price impact of the vehicle systems.

10 The fuel cells most likely to be used for light-duty vehicles require hydrogen as a fuel, so the vehicle must either store hydrogen or extract the
hydrogen from a hydrocarbonfuel carried onboard. The latter processdoes require combustion, and generatessmall levels of combustion-related
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