Advanced Automotive Technology: Visions of a Super-Efficient Family Car

(avery) #1

and air intake ducts in the rear quarter panels to keep the airflow “attached” to the body for
minimum drag. Liquids are piped to and from the front of the car via special finned aluminum
tubes that run the length of the car. An attitude control system raises and lowers the chassis to
minimize ground clearance at high speeds when aerodynamic forces are high and avoid clearance
problems at lower speeds. While such designs may have minimum drag, the weight and
complexity penalty will overcome some of the fuel economy benefits associated with low drag.^35

The tradeoffs made in these vehicles may not be permanent, of course. Engineering solutions to
many of the perceived problems will be devised: advanced design of the suspension to overcome
the reduced space; thermal barriers in the glass and lighter weight formulations to overcome the
added cooling loads and weight gain associated with steeply raked windshields; and so forth.
Presumably, the more conservative estimates of drag reduction potential do not account for such
solutions. Of course, there is no guarantee that they will occur.

Drag Reduction Potential

Manufacturers were conservative in their forecast of future potential drag coefficient. The
consensus was remarkably uniform that for average family sedans, a CD of 0.25 was the best that
would be possible without major sacrifices in ride, interior space, and cargo space. Some
manufacturers, however, suggested that niche market models (sport cars, luxury coupes) could
have CD values of 0.22. Other manufacturers stated that even 0.25 was optimistic, as maximizing
interior volume for a given vehicle length, to minimize weight, would require drag compromises.

In contrast to these moderate expectations of drag reduction potential, some prototype cars not
as extreme as the Probe, with shapes that do not appear to have radical compromises, have
demonstrated drag coefficients of 0.19 to 0.20. For example, the Toyota AXV5, with a CD of
0.20, appears to offer reasonable backseat space< and cargo room. The car does, however, have
wheel skirts and an underbody cover; it is also a relatively long car as shown in figure 3-2.
Removing the wheel skirts typically increases CD by 0.015 to 0.02, and the AXV5 could have a
CD of 0.22 and be relatively accessible for maintenance by the customer. This suggests that
attaining a CD of 0.22 could be a goal for 2015 for most cars except subcompacts (owing to their
short body), and sports cars might aim for CD levels of 0.19. For these cars, underbody and wheel
covers could add about 40 to 45 lbs to vehicle weight, assuming they were manufactured from
lightweight plastic or aluminum materials. This increased weight will decrease fuel economy by
about 1 percent, although the reduced drag will offset this increase.

Light trucks have much different potential for CD reduction. Pickup trucks, with their open
rectangular bed and higher ride height, have relatively poor CDS; the best of today’s pickups are at
0.44. Four-wheel-drive pickups are even worse, with large tires, exposed axles and driveshafts,
and higher ground clearance. Compact vans and utilities can be more aerodynamic, but their short
nose and box-type design restrict drag co-efficients to high values. Manufacturers argue that
tapering the body and lowering their ground clearance would make them more like passenger

35 The effect of weight on fuel economy is obvious, but increased air intake complexity can lead to lower engine efficiency, while increased
cooling loads increase accessorypower requirements.
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