The Economist December 4th 2021 79
Science & technology
Flipping heck!
andomness is a valuable commodity.
Computer models of complex systems
ranging from the weather to the stock
market are voracious consumers of ran
dom numbers. Cryptography, too, relies
heavily on random numbers for the gener
ation of unbreakable keys. Better, cheaper
ways of generating and handling such
numbers are therefore always welcome.
And doing just that is the goal of a project
with the slightly tongueincheek name of
coinflips, which allegedly stands for Co
designed Improved Neural Foundations
Leveraging Inherent Physics Stochasticity.
coinflipsoperates under the aegis of
Brad Aimone, a theoretical neuroscientist
at Sandia National Laboratories (originally
one of America’s nuclearweapons labora
tories, but which has now branched out in
to other areas, too). Dr Aimone’s starting
point is the observation that, unlike the
circuits of digital computers, which will, if
fed a given input, respond with a precise
and predictable output, the link between
input to and output from a nerve cell is
more haphazard—or, in the jargon, “sto
chastic”. He wants to imitate this stochas
tic behaviour in something less squishy
than a nerve cell. By doing so, he thinks he
might be able to tune the distribution of
digits that a randomnumber generator
spits out, without affecting their underly
ing randomness.
Random doodlings
That would be useful. Existing random
number generators produce uniform dis
tributions. (A “3”, say, is exactly as likely to
appear as a “7”.) But, as Dr Aimone’s col
league Darby Smith notes, the real world
that computer modellers are trying to
model does not work like this. For exam
ple, the temperature in London in Decem
ber may vary between 7°C and 17°C, but is
most likely to be in the range 3°C to 8°C.
Similarly, vessels are more likely to be in
trouble close to a busy shipping route than
in a remote backwater. Distorting uniform
distributions of random numbers to take
account of these realities is tedious and
unsatisfactory. As Dr Smith observes, it
would be more efficient if the random
numbers used corresponded to the natural
distribution in the first place.
There is also an abundance problem.
Finding random phenomena in nature that
can be transformed into computer bits is
not easy. Often the source is computing it
self—for example, by gathering the last
digits in the numbers of milliseconds be
tween keystrokes made by zillions of us
ers. Otherwise, specialist, expensive hard
ware needs to be used to do things such as
measuring heat flux through a silicon chip.
To eke out these scarce supplies, such
truly random numbers are often then em
ployed to seed programs called pseudo
randomnumber generators. The algo
rithms behind those generate sequences of
numbers that have the statistical proper
ties of randomness. But this is not the
same as the real thing. As John von Neu
mann, one of computing’s pioneers, ob
served: “Anyone who considers arithmeti
cal methods of producing random digits is,
of course, in a state of sin.” Moreover, if the
purpose is cryptography, this method is
particularly risky. The opposition might be
able to work out the algorithm involved.
How to generate better, cheaper, more abundant random numbers. And why
that is a useful thing to do
80 HowwaterarrivedonEarth
81 Perovskitephonescreens
81 Hybridhelicopters
82 Trypanosomes and honeybees