TheEconomistDecember4th 2021
Graphic detail The gulag’s legacy
“Levelling up”
at gunpoint
he bedbugs infested the board
bunks like autumn the
typhus arrived...We crawled to the fence
and begged: ‘Give us medicine.’ And the
guards fired a volley from the watchtow
ers.” In “The Gulag Archipelago” Alexander
Solzhenitsyn chronicled the soulcrushing
torment of Soviet prisoners. Jailed for crit
icising the government, Solzhenitsyn was
one of the 2.65m people in 192159 arrested
for “counterrevolutionary activities” and
labelled “enemies of the people” (eotp).
Not all eotpwere dissidents: simply be
longing to the petite bourgeoisie often led
to a trip to the gulag. As a result, eotptend
ed to be welleducated. In 1939, 1% of cen
sus respondents and 2% of gulag inmates
had university degrees. Among eotp in
192753, the rate was 15%. Incarcerating
eotpthus entailed relocating much of the
Soviet intelligentsia. And a new paper by
Gerhard Toews of the New Economic
School in Moscow and PierreLouis Vézina
of King’s College London shows that re
gions where eotpwere jailed still reap eco
nomic benefits from this forced migration.
The study began with data on the share
of inmates in each of 79 prisons in 1952
who were eotp. Save for nine special eotp
camps, political prisoners were mixed in
with common criminals. Aside from a few
patterns—eotptended to cluster in big pri
sons in thinly populated areas with weak
transport links—the choice of camps
where they were sent appeared random.
Next, the paper measured current levels
of economic development within 30km of
prison sites. It found that the greater a
camp’s share of eotpin 1952, the richer and
bettereducated people living nearby are
today—even after accounting for regional
differences and factors that affected where
eotpwere sent. A tenpercentagepoint in
crease in the share of inmates who were
eotpcorresponded to gains of 8% in wag
es; 23% in profits per worker; 23 percentage
points in the share of firms at which the av
erage worker went to university; and 21%
in the strength of light emitted at night per
person, ameasure ofeconomic output.
After the Soviet Union broke up, the num
ber of registered firms also grew unusually
fast near former camps with lots of eotp.
To explain this trend, the authors stud
ied where eotpwent after being freed. Un
til 1959 eotpwere not allowed to go home.
Their “wolves’ passports” stopped them
from living in big cities. As prisons became
company towns, managers at state enter
prises recruited excons, who often stayed
where they had new friends or families.
No data were available on the postpri
son locations of eotp. But a poll in 2016
found that people living near the sites of
camps with high shares of eotpwere espe
cially likely to have relatives who were po
litical prisoners. Moreover, 42% of respon
dents whose grandparents were eotphad
attended university, compared with 31%
for everyone else. These data imply a cause
behind the correlation. Lots of eotpsettled
near their jails and had welleducated kids,
who stayed in the same areas and spawned
another educated, rich generation.
Joseph Stalin did his best to wipe out
perceived enemies. It might have comfort
ed eotpto know that their humancapital
has outlived the gulag by six decades.n
How regions near Stalin’s prisons
benefit today from his victims
Size=totalprisoners logscale 100
0525 075 100
“Enemiesofthepeople”, %
1935 1945 1952
1980 90 2000 1810
→ Areas near camps that imprisoned lots of educated “enemies of the people” are now unusually rich
PrisoncampsintheSovietUnion, (^1952) Totalprisoners,m
population, ’
“Enemies of the people”
as share of prisoners, %
“Enemiesofthepeople” as
shareofprisonersin 1952
Night-time illumination per person
in 215 v “enemies of the people”
as share of prisoners in 1952
Firms registered, 199=1
Excluding Moscow
*Within0km of camp locations
Source:“Enemies of the people”, by Gerhard Toews
andPierre-Louis Vézina, working paper, 2021
Over 20%
Below 1%