Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


The standard evaluation algorithm is very straightforward:
Evaluate( x )
x the value to use for evaluation of the polynomial

result = a[0] + a[1]*x
xPower = x
for i = 2 to n do
xPower = xPower * x
result = result + a[i]*xPower
end for
return result
This algorithm is very clear and its analysis is obvious. The for loop has two
multiplications and is done N  1 times. There is one multiplication done
before the loop, giving a total of 2N 1 multiplications. There is one addition
done inside the loop and one done before it, giving N additions.
■ 4.1.1 Horner’s Method
Horner’s method gives a better way to do this evaluation without making the
process very complex. This method is based on recognizing that the polyno-
mial equation can be factored into the following form:


The reader should be able to easily see that this calculates the same value as
Equation 4.1. This can be expressed in algorithmic form as
HornersMethod( x )
x the value to use for evaluation of the polynomial
result = a[n]
for i = n - 1 down to 0 do
result = result * x
result = result + a[i]
end for
return result
We see that the loop is done N times and that there is one addition and one
multiplication done in the loop. This means that there are N multiplications
andN additions done by Horner’s method. This method saves almost half of
the multiplications done by the standard algorithm.
■ 4.1.2 Preprocessed Coefficients
It is possible to do even better than this by preprocessing the coefficients. The
basic idea here is that it is possible to express a polynomial as a factorization

px()= (){}...[]()anxa+ n–1 *xa+ n–2 *x++... a 2 *xa+ 1 *xa+ 0
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