Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


both their data and software. In this case, developing small programs that store
data compactly is not only important, it is critical.


  1. Write an algorithm in pseudocode to count the number of capital letters in
    a file of text. How many comparisons does it do? What is the fewest num-
    ber of increments it might do? What is the largest number? (Use N for the
    number of characters in the file when writing your answer.)

  2. There is a set of numbers stored in a file, but we don’t know how many it
    contains. Write an algorithm in pseudocode to calculate the average of the
    numbers stored in this file. What type of operations does your algorithm
    do? How many of each of these operations does your algorithm do?

  3. Write an algorithm, without using compound conditional expressions, that
    takes in three integers and determines if they are all distinct. On average,
    how many comparisons does your algorithm do? Remember to examine all
    input classes.

  4. Write an algorithm that takes in three distinct integers and determines the
    largest of the three. What are the possible input classes that would have to
    be considered when analyzing this algorithm? Which one causes your algo-
    rithm to do the most comparisons? Which one causes the least? (If there is
    no difference between the most and least, rewrite the algorithm with simple
    conditionals and without using temporary variables so that the best case gets
    done faster than the worst case.)

  5. Write an algorithm to find the second largest element in a list of N values.
    How many comparisons does your algorithm do in the worst case? (Later,
    we will see an algorithm that will do this with about N comparisons.)

1.2 What to Count and Consider

Deciding what to count involves two steps. The first is choosing the significant
operation or operations, and the second is deciding which of those operations
are integral to the algorithm and which are overhead or bookkeeping.
There are two classes of operations that are typically chosen for the signifi-
cant operation: comparison or arithmetic. The comparison operators are all
considered equivalent and are counted in algorithms such as searching and

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