Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


Radix Sort

Chapter 4

Original Polynomial
x^3 + 4x^2  3 x + 2
Horner’s Method
[(x + 4) *x 3] *x + 2

Preprocessed Coefficients

Original Polynomial
x^7  8 x^6 + 3x^5 + 2x^4  4 x^3 + 5x 7
Horner’s Method
{[({[(x 8) *x + 3] *x + 2} *x 4) *x + 0] *x + 5} *x 7

The Original:
List: 1113 2231 3232 1211 3133 2123 2321 1312 3223 2332 1121 3312
After pass 1: 2231 1211 2321 1121 3232 1312 2332 3312 1113 3133 2123 3223
After pass 2: 1211 1312 3312 1113 2321 1121 2123 3223 2231 3232 2332 3133
After pass 3: 1113 1121 2123 3133 1211 3223 2231 3232 1312 3312 2321 2332
After pass 4: 1113 1121 1211 1312 2123 2231 2321 2332 3133 3223 3232 3312


x 24
x^3  4 x^2  3 x 22
x^3  4 x^2  4 x 16
x 18

x 4

[]()x^2 – (^4) *()x+ 4 +()x+ 18

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