Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


remainder = M mod N
return GCD( N, remainder )
end if
Give the recurrence relation for the number of multiplications (in this case,
the division and mod) that are done in this function.

  1. We have a problem that can be solved by a direct (nonrecursive) algorithm
    that operates in N^2 time. We also have a recursive algorithm for this prob-
    lem that takes N lg N operations to divide the input into two equal pieces
    and lg N operations to combine the two solutions together. Show whether
    the direct or recursive version is more efficient.

  2. Draw the tournament tree for the following values: 13, 1, 7, 3, 9, 5, 2, 11,
    10, 8, 6, 4, 12. What values would be looked at in stage 2 of finding the
    second largest value in the list?

  3. What is the lower bound on the number of comparisons needed to do a
    search through a list with N elements? Think about what the decision tree
    might look like for this problem in developing your answer. (Hint: The
    nodes would be labeled with the location where the key is found.) If you
    packed nodes into this tree as tightly as possible, what does that tell you
    about the number of comparisons needed to search?

Recurrence relations can be directly derived from a recursive algorithm, but
they are in a form that does not allow us to quickly determine how efficient
the algorithm is. To do that we need to convert the set of recursive equations
into what is called closed form by removing the recursive nature of the equa-
tions. This is done by a series of repeated substitutions until we can see the
pattern that develops. The easiest way to see this process is by a series of exam-
A recurrence relation can be expressed in two ways. The first is used if there
are just a few simple cases for the formula:
Tn()= 2 Tn()– 2 – 15
T() 2 = 40
T() 1 = 40
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