Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1

Now, let’s consider the second situation where we include the possibility
that the target is not in the list of elements. We still have N possibilities for the
target being in the list, but now we have to add in the N + 1 possibilities that
the target is not in the list. There are N + 1 of these possibilities because the
target can be smaller than the element in location 1, larger than the element in
location 1 but smaller than the one in location 2, larger than the element in
location 2 but smaller than the one in location 3, and so on, through the possi-
bility that the target is larger than the element in location N. In each of these
cases, it takes k comparisons to learn that the target is not in the list. There are
now 2 *N + 1 possibilities to include in our calculation. Putting all of this
together, we get

By a simiar series of substitutions as above, we get

This is just a little larger than the average case for when the key is known to be
in the list. So, if the list has 1,048,575 (2^20  1) elements, the first average case
is about 19 and the second is 19.5.

AN() 2 ----------------N^1 + 1 - i 2 i-1




==+()N+ 1 k forN 2 k– 1

AN() ()k–^12
[]k+ 1 +()N+ 1 k
2 N+ 1

= ----------------------------------------------------------------

AN() ()k–^12
[]k+ 1 +() 2 k– 1 + 1 k
22 ()k– 1 + 1

= -------------------------------------------------------------------------

AN() k^2
()k– 2 k+ 1 + 2 kk
2 k+1– 1

= ------------------------------------------------

AN() k^2

k+1– 2 k+ 1
2 k+1– 1

= ----------------------------------


k+1– 2 k+ 1
2 k+1


AN()≈k–^12 -- ==lg()N+ 1 – -- 21 forN 2 k– 1
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