Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1

2 Foreword

2.1 Purpose and mission.

This book should become the gold standard of organic chemistry texts in the areas of
accuracy, usability, flexibility, and connection with its audience. As this text is developed
it will always be available online, be printable, and freely distributable. This text should
eliminate all or much of the cost for owning an up-to-the-minute, top-quality college-level
organic chemistry text, as it and all its derivative works will remain free: free as in speech
as well as free as in beer. Although you could pay for a printed version if you wanted to.

2.2 Content and Contributions

This is, to the best of our knowlege, the world’s first and only open content^1 organic
chemistry textbook. Its users will tweak and refine this book until there is no better
book. We are confident that this will happen because the process has already been seen to
work many times on the Wikipedia^2 site.

All content contained herein is available under licences that allow free distribution. You
can copy it, print it, sell it, and create derivative works from it.

Our restriction: if you create derivative works, make them available to others in a way that
they can easily copy and distribute them, as we have done for you.

We link to some pages outside our server. Any of this content not found under the Wikipedia
site and subsites is not ensured to be under the same license; it in fact is most likely not.

2.2.1 Navigation

I^3 like the navigation that I have worked out in the Foundational concepts of organic chem-
istry^4 page and immediate subpages with links at the top of the page to the immediate
next and previous pages and the various levels, and links at the bottom to the next and
previous chapters, etc. If you want to help out please help me get all of the pages in the
same format.


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