Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1

How to write organic reactions

Figure 206 This image depicts the complicated interconnectivity and structure of an
imaginary organic molecule

Working with the above drawing of a molecule may be difficult, but it is still far easier than
using its name, or attempting to guess at the structure and functionality of a molecule using
just its chemical formula ofC 29 H 31 COOH.

107.0.3 Examples of Organic Chemistry Notation

Typically organic chemistry molecules are drawn as modified Lewis structures. If you re-
member, a Lewis structure uses lines to connect chemical symbols together, illustrating a
covalent bond, and also uses dots to represent non-bond electrons. This is shown in the
diagram below of carbon dioxide. The drawing illustrates the four electrons of carbon par-
ticipating in two double bonds with two oxygen atoms, and also the non-bonding electron
pairs for each atom of oxygen.

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