Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1

116 Energy diagrams

Energy diagrams are used to show the favorability of a reaction. They show how energy
gained or lost in the different stages of a reaction and show which stages are the slow and
fast steps (slow steps have high potential energy). We can also compare the energies of one
reaction to another in order to see which reaction will be favored.

Figure 214

Transition states^1 are high peaks in an energy diagram.

If the end of the diagram is lower than the beginning, the product of the reaction is more
stable and/or lower in energy than the starting materials, and the overall reaction is ener-
getically favorable. If the tail end of the energy diagram is higher than the front, then the
product is less stable or energetically favorable than the starting materials, and the overall
reaction is energetically unfavorable. Any high peaks in the diagram indicate difficult points
to pass and will slow down the reaction.

1 Chapter 117 on page 379

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