Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1


  • Acetyl - A functional group with chemical formula -COCH3.

  • Achiral - A group containing atleast two identical substituents.

  • Acid anhydride - Hydrocarbon containing two carbonyl groups.Acyl group attached with
    carboxylate RCOOCOR’

  • Acid halide - Acyl group with any halogen attached with carbon of carbonyl

  • Acidity constant Ka-

  • Activating group - Any group which activate any molecule by increasing positive or
    negative charge on carbon atom.Mainly towards neucleophilic or electrophilic substitution

  • Activation energy - The energy required to reactants to cross energy barrier to undergo
    any chemical change.denoted by Ea.

  • Acyl group - A group having alkyl or aryl group with a carbonyl group RCO-

  • Adam’s catalyst - A catalyst for hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis in organic synthesis.
    Also known as platinum dioxide

  • Addition reaction^1 - A reaction where a product is created from the coming together of
    2 reactants.

  • Alcohol - A saturated hydrocarbon chain with an -OH functional group.

  • Aldehyde - A hydrocarbon containing atleast one carbonyl gp having one hydrogen at-
    tached to it.(>C=O)

  • Aldol reaction - When two similar aldehydes are reacted with each other,a product having

  • Aliphatic - A non-cyclic, non-aromatic, hydrocarbon chain (e.g. alkanes, alkenes, and

  • Alkane - A hydrocarbon with all the carbon-carbon bonds are single bonds.

  • Alkene - A hydrocarbon with at least one carbon-carbon bond is a double-bond.

  • Alkoxide ion - The conjugate base of an alcohol without the terminal H atom. For any
    alcohol R-OH, the corresponding alkoxide form is R-O-.

  • Alkyl - A hydrocarbon having formula CnH2n+1

  • Alkylation - Addition of alkyl group in a compound.

  • Alkyne - An unsaturated hydrocarbon containog triple bond.and having general formula

  • Allyl - An alkene hydrocarbon group with the formula H2C=CH-CH2-

  • α Position - Carbon attached to a functional group is called α-carbon and the position is
    known as α position.

1 Chapter108.2on page 357

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