Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1


  • Dipole moment -

  • Disulfide -

  • Downfield - A term used to describe the left direction on NMR charts. A peak to the left
    of another peak is described as being downfield from the peak.

131.5 E.

  • E geometry -

  • E1 reaction -

  • E2 reaction -

  • Eclipsed conformation -

  • Eclipsing strain -

  • Electron - An elementary subatomic particle that carries a negative electrical charge and
    occupies an electron shell outside the atomic nucleus.

  • Electron configuration - The arrangement of electrons in an atom or molecule

  • Electron-dot structure -

  • Electron shell - The orbit followed by electrons around an atomic nucleus. The atom has
    a number of shells and they are normally labelled K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q.

  • Electronegativity - The ability of an atom to attract electrons towards itself in a covalent

  • Electrophile - Literally, electron lover. A positively or neutrally charged reagent that
    forms bonds by accepting electrons from a nucleophile. Elecrophiles are Lewis Acids.

  • Electrophilic addition reaction -

  • Electrophilic aromatic substitution -

  • Elimination reaction^4 - A reaction where atoms and/or functional groups are removed
    from a reactant.

  • Endergonic - In an endergonic process, work is done on the system, and∆G^0 > 0, so
    the process is nonspontaneous. An exergonic process is the opposite: ∆G^0 < 0, so the
    process is spontaneous.

  • Endothermic - An endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that absorbs heat, and is
    the opposite of an exothermic reaction.

  • Enol - An alkene with a hydroxyl group affixed to one of the carbon atoms composing
    the double bond.

  • Enolate ion -

4 Chapter56.2on page 214

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