Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1


  • Entgegen - German word meaning ”opposite”. Represented by E in the E/Z naming
    system of alkenes.

  • Enthalpy -

  • Entropy -

  • Equatorial bond -

  • Ester - An inorganic or organic acid in which at least one -OH (hydroxyl) group is replaced
    by an -O-alkyl (alkoxy) group.

  • Ether- Anorganic compoundwhichcontainsan ether group— anoxygenatomconnected
    to two (substituted) alkyl or aryl groups — of general formula R–O–R’.

  • Exergonic -

  • Exothermic - An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases heat, and is the
    opposite of an endothermic reaction.

131.6 F.

  • Fingerprint region -

  • First order reaction - A reaction whose rate is determined by the concentration of only
    one of its reactants leading to a reaction rate equation ofRate=k[X]

  • Fischer projection -

  • Formal Charge -

  • Friedel-Crafts reaction -

  • Functional group - This is a specific group of atoms within a molecule that is responsible
    for the characteristic chemical reactions of that molecule. The same functional group will
    undergo the same or similar chemical reaction(s) regardless of the size of the molecule it
    is a part of.

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  • Geminal -

  • Gibbs free energy -

  • Gilman reagent -

  • Glycol - A chemical compound containing two hydroxyl groups (-OH groups). Also known
    as a Diol.

  • Glycolysis - The metabolic pathway that converts glucose, C 6 H 12 O 6 , into pyruvate,
    C 3 H 5 O 3. This process usually occurs outside the mitochondria of a cell to help produce

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