Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1


  • Nuclear magnetic resonance -

  • Nucleophile - Literally, nucleus lover. A negatively or neutrally charged reagent that
    forms a bond with an electrophile by dontating both bonding electrons. Nucleophiles are
    Lewis Bases.

  • Nucleophilic addition reaction -

  • Nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction -

  • Nucleophilic substitution reaction^8 - A reaction in which a halide is removed from a
    molecule and replaced with a nucleophile.

  • Nucleophilicity -

131.14 O

  • Optical isomer -

  • Optical activity -

  • Orbital -

  • Ortho -

  • Oxidation -

  • Oxime -

  • Oxymercuration reduction reaction -

131.15 P.

  • Para -

  • Pauli exclusion principle -

  • Pericyclic reaction -

  • Periplanar -

  • Peroxide -

  • Peroxyacid -

  • Phenol - A toxic, colourless crystalline solid with the chemical formula C 6 H 5 OH and
    whose structure is that of a hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded to a phenyl ring. It is also
    known as carbolic acid,

  • Phenyl - A functional group with the formula -C 6 H 5

  • Pi bond -

8 Chapter56.1on page 209

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