Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1


131.18 S.

  • Saponification - The hydrolysis of an ester under basic conditions to form an alcohol and
    the salt of a carboxylic acid.

  • Saturated - A situation in which a compound has no double or triple bonds. Saturated
    can refer to the maximum amount of a solute being dissolved in a solution. Whether the
    context is chemical bonding or solutions will determine which meaning is appropriate.

  • Saytzeff’s Rule - See Zaitsev’s rule^9

  • Second order reaction - A reaction whose rate is dependent on the concentration of two
    reactants, leading to a reaction rate ofRate=k[X][Y]

  • Secondary -

  • si face -

  • Side chain -

  • Sigma bond -

  • Simmons-Smith reaction -

  • SN1 reaction -

  • SN2 reaction -

  • Solvation -

  • Solvent -

  • sp orbital -

  • sp^2 orbital -

  • sp^3 orbital -

  • Spin-spin splitting -

  • Staggered conformation -

  • Stereochemistry -

  • Stereoisomer -

  • Steric hinderance -

  • Steric strain -

  • Substitution reaction - Reactions where one functional groups is replaced with another
    functional group.

  • Symmetry plane -

  • Syn addition -

  • Syn periplanar -

9 Chapter131.22on page 435

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