Organic Chemistry

(Jacob Rumans) #1


131.19 T

  • Tautomers -

  • Tertiary -

  • Thioester -

  • Thiol - A compound that contains the functional group composed of a sulfur atom and a
    hydrogen atom (-SH).

  • Thiolate ion -

  • Torisional strain -

  • Tosylate -

  • Transition state -

  • Twist-boat conformation -

131.20 U

  • Ultraviolet spectroscopy -

  • Unsaturated - A situation in which a compound contains double or triple bonds.

  • Upfield - A term used to describe the right direction on NMR charts. A peak to the right
    of another peak is described as being upfield from the peak.

131.21 V

  • Valence bond theory -

  • Valence electrons -

  • Valence shell -

  • Van der Waals forces -

  • Vicinal -

  • Vinyl - An organic compound that contains a vinyl group (also called ethenyl),

  • Vinylic -

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