Readers Digest UK - December 2021

(Muthaara) #1

What makes Harrogate truly great is
the community spirit; people always
help each other out. This was brought
especially to the forefront because of
COVID. Throughout the pandemic we
had a “Harrogate Scrubbers” group—
these lovely people who sewed scrubs
for Harrogate hospital. There were also
various support groups set up—if
someone needed anything at all, a
request would go out and within minutes
there would be an offer to assist.

Another thing I love about Harrogate
is the open space—you’re never too far

away from greenery and trees. The
Valley Gardens are especially beautiful
and as you walk around them, you can
find iron and magnesium wells—it’s
amazing to think that the Victorians
used to do the same. There are also
loads of great bars, cafes and shops. My
favourite spot is Mama Doreen’s for
brunch or afternoon tea. The portions
are huge—there’s always enough to
bring some home. You must try the
onion tart when you’re there! Q

To plan a future visit to Harrogate,
head to

DECEMBER 2021 • 65

Turkish Baths

Valley Gardens

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