The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1


Leith, John H. Creeds of the Churches. 3 rd ed. Louisville: John Knox Press,

  1. The best one-volume collection of creeds, confessions, and of¿ cial
    documents of the ancient church and various modern denominations.

Livingston, James C. Modern Christian Thought. 2nd ed. Minneapolis:
Fortress Press, 2006. Everything you wanted to know about 19th century
European theology with some of the 18th century background.

Marthaler, Berard L., ed. The New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Detroit:
Gale, 2003. Indispensable reference source for all things Catholic,
including details of doctrinal controversies about such things as Jansenism,
Molinism, etc.

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Together with the Ante-Nicene Fathers, its
companion series (see above), this is still the most complete collection of
English writings by the church fathers, containing 19th-century translations. It
is broken into two series, the ¿ rst consisting solely of writings by Augustine
and Chrysostom (14 vols.) and the second covering everybody else (14
vols.). For more recent translations with up-to-date scholarly introductions
and notes, look for individual volumes in the Ancient Christian Writers
series, which unlike these two series does not come as a set. For Augustine’s
writings, look for publications by New City Press, which is in the process of
publishing the ¿ rst complete edition of his works in English (look for Hill’s
translations; avoid Boulding’s translations).

Olson, Roger E. The Story of Christian Theology. Downers Grove, IL:
IntraVarsity Press, 1999. Highly readable, though weak on modern Roman
Catholic theology.

Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development
of Doctrine. 5 vols. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press,
1971–1991. The most comprehensive recent history of Christian doctrine
in English. Volumes cover the ancient church (The Emergence of the
Christian Tradition 100–600, the Eastern Orthodox tradition (The Spirit of
Eastern Christendom 600–1700), the Western church until shortly before the
Reformation (The Growth of Medieval Theology 600–1300, the Protestant
Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation (Reformation of Church and
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