The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1


Chadwick, Henry. The Early Church. rev. ed. New York: Penguin, 1993.
Good brief history of the ancient church until the fall of the Roman Empire.

Colson, Charles and Richard John Neuhaus, Richard, eds. Evangelicals and
Catholics Together: Toward a Common Mission. Nashville: Thomas Nelson,

  1. The initial statement of the most important ongoing theological dialog
    between Catholics and evangelicals.

Crossan, John Dominick. Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography. San Francisco:
HarperOne, 1995. Crossan, a member of the Jesus Seminar and one of the
most radical and interesting scholars on the revisionist end of the spectrum
of historical Jesus research, provides a popular summary of his lengthier
work, The Historical Jesus (1993).

Crouzel, Henri. Origen: The Life and Thought of the First Great
Theologian. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989. The best one-volume
introduction to this enormously important, controversial, and often poorly-
understood ¿ gure.

Cyril of Alexandria, Saint. On the Unity of Christ. Translated by John
McGuckin. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1995. This little
book contains a translation of one of Cyril’s major treatises on Christology;
the translator also provides a detailed and helpful scholarly introduction to
the issues.

Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. vol. 1, Inferno. Translated by Mark
Musa. New York: Penguin, 1985. In the ¿ rst part of Dante’s medieval
Christian epic, he is taken on a journey through hell while still alive so that
he may understand the nature of God’s eternal justice. This is one of the
best of many translations of what is perhaps the greatest poem ever written.
It is accompanied by extensive notes and explanations, which modern
readers need.

———. The Divine Comedy. vol. 2, Purgatorio. Translated by Mark Musa.
New York: Penguin, 1985. Dante’s journey through purgatory shows the
medieval understanding of purgatory at its best, both poetically vivid and
theologically deep.
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