The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1


Evans, Craig. Fabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels.
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006. A scholar on the conservative
side of mainstream historical Jesus scholarship argues against scholars on
the revisionist side (including the Jesus Seminar) and also provides antidotes
to really silly views of Jesus, such as those in the best-selling novel The Da
Vinci Code.

Finney, Charles G. Lectures on Revival. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1989.
A theology of revival from America’s great Revivalist, originally published
in 1835.

Flannery, Austin, ed. Vatican Council II: Constitutions, Decrees,
Declarations. Northport, NY: Costello Publishing, 1996. Updated translation
of the 16 basic documents of the Second Vatican Council.

Fosdick, Harry Emerson. “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” Though out of
print, this famous 1922 sermon is available in an abridged version online at

Fox, George. The Journal. New York: Penguin, 1998. Autobiographical
account of the early years of the Quakers by their founder, originally
published posthumously in 1694.

Hardy, Edward R. Christology of the Later Fathers. Philadelphia:
Westminster, 1954. A useful anthology of texts including Athanasius’s On
the Incarnation of the Word, Gregory of Naziansen’s Theological Orations,
Gregory of Nyssa’s important little essay That We Should Not Think of
Saying There Are Three Gods, Cyril of Alexandria’s 3rd Letter to Nestorius
with 12 “chapters” or anathemas against Nestorian teaching (decisive
documents at the Council of Ephesus 431) and the Tome of Pope Leo I (a
crucial document in the Council of Chalcedon 451).

Heppe, Heinrich. Reformed Dogmatics, Set Out and Illustrated from the
Sources. Translated by G.T. Thomson. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1978. The
indispensable guide to Reformed scholasticism, that is, Calvinist theology
after Calvin, in its continental (Dutch and German) form. Original published
in 1861. (For Lutheran scholasticism, see Schmid.)
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