The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1

Sales, Francis de. Treatise on the Love of God. Rockford, IL: Tan Books,

  1. Reprint of an 1884 translation. De Sales’s major work, in which he
    incorporates concepts of mystical theology from Theresa of Avila into the
    devotional life for all Christians.

Sanders, E. P. Paul, the Law and the Jewish People. Minneapolis: Fortress
Press, 1983. One of the founding documents of the “New Perspective on Paul.”

Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Friedrich Schleiermacher: Pioneer of Modern
Theology. Edited by K. Clement. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991.
Key selections from Schleiermacher’s works, together with a substantial
introduction to his life and work by the editor.

Schmid, Heinrich. Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church. 3rd ed. (1899). Translated by C. Hay and H. Jacobs. Minneapolis:
Augsburg, 1961 (reprint). The indispensable guide to Lutheran orthodoxy
or scholasticism, the shape of Lutheran theology in the two centuries after
Luther. (For Reformed scholasticism in the same period, see Heppe.)

Sco¿ eld, C. I., ed. The Sco¿ eld Reference Bible. Rev. ed. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1917. This edition of the King James Version of the Bible
was ¿ rst published in 1909 with Sco¿ eld’s notes presenting in great detail his
Dispensationalist reading of the text. The 1917 edition, which is Sco¿ eld’s
own revision (mainly an expansion) of his notes, became the single most
inÀ uential book for Dispensationalist theology. Those interested in the
history of Dispensationalism should be aware that recent revised editions of
the Sco¿ eld Bible are by later editors who tone down some of Sco¿ eld’s
more controversial views. The notes from the 1917 edition can now be found
online at

Spong, John Shelby. Why Christianity Must Change or Die. San Francisco:
HarperSanFrancisco, 1998. A introduction to what the church’s teaching
might look like without theism, that is, without belief in a creator-God
existing independent of the world.

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