The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1

Lecture 6: Varieties of Early Christianity

Varieties of Early Christianity ............................................................

Lecture 6

As we move beyond the New Testament, we end up taking a step out
of a Jewish world into an almost entirely Gentile world. All of the New
Testament writings that we know of ... indicate that they’re all Jewish,
just like nearly all of the main characters are Jewish. But all of the
early Christian writings beyond the New Testament that we have are
Gentile writings.


n the sometimes bewilderingly large variety of early Christian
theologies, a central issue was always the relation of Christian belief
to its Jewish roots. Jewish Christians soon became a marginal group,
leaving no extant writings after the New Testament. They continued to live
as Jews observing the Law of Moses until the 4th century. Originally, they
were called Nazarenes and were based in Jerusalem. They were rejected by
mainstream Judaism and increasingly disapproved of by Gentile Christians.
Jewish Christians believed in Jesus as Son of God and did not accept the
emerging rabbinic interpretation of Judaism. They also refused to live like
Gentiles. In addition, they accepted Paul and hence the validity of Gentile
Christianity—for Gentiles. They were labeled heretics in the 5th century,
when they were dying out, but not before.

The Ebionites believed Jesus was a righteous man, but not divine and not the
Son of God. They evidently arose by splitting from the Nazarenes and are
the classic example of a low Christology, denying the divine origin of Jesus
as Son of God. The Ebionites also rejected the writings of Paul, whom they
regarded as a renegade against the Law of Moses.

Among Gentile Christians, the most important alternatives to what later
became orthodoxy is a large variety of teachings usually brought under
the broad label of Gnosticism, which comes from the Greek term gnosis,
meaning knowledge. For Gnostics, salvation means knowledge of who you
are and where you come from. The physical world, including earth and
heaven, planets and stars, is an evil prison for our spirits, which come from
outside this world, beyond space and time. The angels in the heavens are
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