Sport And Exercise Psychology: A Critical Introduction

(John Hannent) #1

state anxiety (A-state), 77, 78, 80, 234, 288
Stevenage football team, 14
stimulus information, 144
Strange, Curtis, 199
strategic knowledge, 288
strategic planning, 162
Streisand, Barbra, 72
injury, and, 268–72
subjective well-being, 238
success in sport, 161–2;
attributions for, 49;
perceptions of, 44;
see also expertise in sport;
team success
survey research, 17, 19, 288
susperstitious rituals, 124–5
swimming, 7, 238, 276
symbolic theories of mental practice, 146

table-tennis, 140
Tackle, Darren, 10–11
Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), 45
task cohesion, 202, 288
task orientation, 44, 45–7;
definition, 288;
exercise, and, 237
Taylor, Graham, 20–1, 30
Taylor, Phil “The Power,” 3, 164, 165, 165–6
TCQ (Team Cohesion Questionnaire), 204, 205
characteristics, 197;
definition, 197, 288;
development stages, 197–8;
identity, 197;
social bonding, 197;
social roles, 197;
see also group
team-building, 6, 212–18;
definition, 288;
direct interventions, 213, 214–16;
evaluation of interventions, 217–18;
exercises, 215;
implications for coaches, 218;
indirect interventions, 214, 216–17;
meaning of, 212–13;
practical techniques, 214–15;
soccer, 215;
theory and practice, 217
team cohesion, 195–222;
athletes’ and coaches’ views, 198–201;

Subject index 349
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