(avery) #1

Although you tell me that negative circumstances help us to evolve
and that many of them are the consequence of past acts, there are
factors which, regardless of what has been done in former lives, seem
to me to be so unfair, inhuman and intolerable that they should not be
allowed, like for example hunger, extreme poverty, wars. Nevertheless,
in spite of having one or more supposedly super good and super
powerful beings, nothing is done to change the deplorable course of
humanity. How would you respond to this?

Indeed, there are certainly a multitude of factors that are inhuman
and intolerable, but it is the spirits that incarnate on Earth that have
created them, and they are the ones who need to be conscious of this
and work towards eradicating them from the face of the planet,
because they should and they are able to do so. As I have said,
spiritual progression is only achieved when it is chosen and internalised
through free will and the spirit’s own effort, without any kind of
coercion or imposition. This is a spiritual law, the law of free will, which is
respected by all spiritually advanced beings. This is the reason why
God or superior beings cannot be seen sorting out injustice in the
world. Undoubtedly, if an all powerful being appeared on Earth to sort
out certain matters, the same inhabitants of the Earth, who previously
demanded the presence of a Saviour, would surely complain about
the lack of freedom, certainly not everybody would be happy with the
decisions made by that being. There would always be people who
didn’t agree and felt that they had been adversely affected by
certain decisions, because there are very few people in your world
who are willing to renounce egoism and very few people willing to
share what they believe to be theirs with those who have less than
themselves. That is why it is left to humans to experience the use of free
will in the physical world with no conditions and to face the
circumstances that they themselves have created. They should be the
ones who come to the conclusion that all the ills that they suffer are the
result of egoism and that, while egoism is in the hearts of men, there will
continue to be wars, hunger, extreme poverty and injustice. That the
only way to eradicate all those ills is to eradicate egoism from each
and every heart, and that the only antidote that exists for the poison of
egoism is love. Don’t wait with your arms crossed for them to come
and save you. Act and you will be helped, because advanced spirits
and followers of the law of love are always there to help you, very
subtly. But it has to be your initiative, through a decision of your will and
not against your will. It is as if someone who has just fallen into a river
were to ask to be rescued, but he himself will not attempt to move his
arms to swim and keep himself afloat. You have the power, if that’s
what you decide, to change the course of your destiny, because how

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