(avery) #1

else could you evolve, if at every false step you took your father came
to help you? You need to experience the effect of your decisions in
order to learn, and you need freedom of action in order to decide
whether you wish to take one path or another.

Why don’t the more spiritually advanced worlds send their people to
show what superior spirituality is?

They would like to, but as I have said over and over again, they cannot
interfere with your free will. On a collective level, humanities from the
most advanced physical worlds cannot interfere with the evolution of
the less evolved worlds without their will and consent. That is why help is
given with incarnations of more evolved humans who go to the planet
to set an example, without boasting in any way, and not with an
invading army, so that whoever wishes to follow the teaching that they
bring may do so through affinity of feeling and thought and not
because they were impressed by the magic of the technology that
they possess. When this happens, we are dealing with civilisations that
have not respected the law of free will and the effects are
catastrophic. This is because people become dependent on the
advanced civilisation, and when this civilisation leaves, the supposed
advance that they had achieved rapidly deteriorates as, since it is not
a result of their own efforts, it is soon forgotten. You also subtly receive
constant help from the spiritual plane from guides and loved ones that
are not incarnate at that moment. We have already spoken
extensively about how you can contact the spiritual world in order to
receive help. However, in order to receive this help, you have to want
to receive it. Because whoever wishes to be alone and isolated from
the world or does not wish to advance, their wish will be respected.
Nobody can be forced to advance in love, since if it is not willingly
chosen through free will, then it is of no use and furthermore, it is a
contravention of the law of free will.

There are people who justify wars saying that they are necessary in
order to avoid a greater ill and to preserve peace or democracy. What
do you think about this?

Well if they really are lovers of peace and liberty, then they shouldn ́t
do the opposite to what they preach. Because if, through the means,
they contradict the end, then they are being liars and hypocrites. The
end does not justify the means, because the means have to be in tune
with the objective that is pursued. Peace cannot be achieved through
war, or freedom through imposition, or justice through injustice.

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