(avery) #1


He spoke to me first. He took my hands and invited me to sit down with
him face to face:

Welcome. I was waiting for you.

For me? But I don ́t know you!
I know you, but that doesn ́t matter now.

I am... Where am I? How did I get here?
That doesn ́t matter now either. You ́ll find out later.

And who are you?
Call me Isaiah. Although you don ́t remember me right now, we have
known each other for a long, long time.

And what relationship have you and I had?
Consider me as your older brother.

I don ́t remember ever having met you.
That doesn ́t matter now. Use this time to ask me important things.
Didn ́t you have some questions?

Questions? What questions?
You don ́t remember now? Those profound questions that you have
had for a long time and that you haven ́t found the answers to.

And how do you know that?
I have already said that I know you. I know your inner nature very well,
so ask anything without fear, you are totally free here.

I am bewildered. This place is so wonderful. I feel so good here! It ́s so
different from the normal world! I feel so peaceful, so full of... I don ́t
know how to express it!

So full of love.

I don ́t know... because I have never felt like this in my life before. But
it ́s wonderful.

That ́s normal. It ́s your first time, your first conscious journey here in this
life. But please, let ́s make the most of this time. Reveal your most
profound questions.

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