(avery) #1

other more advanced beings feel towards them in the form of
emotions. This makes them feel wellbeing. They must also experience
what the absence of love is, in other words, the egoism of other
beings, which like themselves, are not yet capable of loving. This will
create in them emotions of unease, but will also enable them to
recognise, learn to distinguish better, between the absence and the
presence of love, and to value the presence of love, which will serve
as a stimulus for them to be able to develop feelings in themselves. In
other words, before being capable of loving, the spiritual being is
sensitised as a receiver of love from other more advanced beings
which serve as an example to it of what it is like to be a transmitter of
love. Spiritual beings must also live with other beings with a similar or
more accentuated egoism than themselves, which are an example of
what the absence of love is. All of these interactions will motivate them
to develop, first emotions, and then later feelings. Once spirits
recognise the love that they have received from others then they are
prepared for being transmitters of love. It will be the beings that first
loved them, (normally some members of their family), that will arouse in
them the first feelings of affection, whereas other beings, those that
behaved with egoism towards them, will be enemies and those that
never had any relation with them will simply be beings towards which
they will feel indifference. In this stage the spirit is passionate in love,
vindictive and resentful when love ceases. Another more advanced
stage will come, in which beings will not wish to harm those that hurt
them, because they realise that suffering in itself is something negative,
incompatible with love, abandoning revenge as a form of
recompense for the hurt received. We could call this stage advanced
conditional love. A certain time will come, when the level of
understanding and sensitivity of beings has increased considerably,
they are then prepared to make the great leap, that of loving all other
beings of creation, including those that hated them and despised
them and made them suffer terribly.

In other words, they have entered into the final stage, in which
unconditional love is reached, that love which advanced beings such
as Jesus preached when he said “love your enemy.” Of course, this
does not happen overnight. Millions of years of evolution are necessary
to cover the path from the first to the last stage.

Could you sum up these stages to give me an idea?
Yes, although, as I say, the process is continual, we could divide it, for
greater understanding, into the following stages:

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