(avery) #1

Insensitive as a receiver and transmitter of love.
Partly sensitive as a receiver of love – insensitive as a transmitter of love.
Sensitive as a receiver – partly sensitive as a transmitter of love
(conditional love).
Highly sensitive as a receiver – highly sensitive as a transmitter
(advanced conditional love).
Totally sensitive as a receiver – totally sensitive as a transmitter
(unconditional love).

What is the origin of emotions and feelings and how are they

In the first stages of evolution of spiritual beings, they are only capable
of perceiving emotions, which are generally only a reaction to a
stimulus of an external nature. This development of emotional
perception has already commenced in stages prior to the human
stage. As a matter of fact you can observe that many superior
mammals, such as dogs, cows, horses or dolphins, are actually
capable of perceiving and expressing fairly deep emotions of very
different kinds. As spirits experience emotions and begin to take them
into consideration when making decisions, they are beginning to
develop feeling. You can consider feelings as the evolved form of

Can you express in greater depth the distinction and relation between
emotions and feelings?

Emotions are short-lived, and are generally activated by some kind of
stimulus, exterior or interior. Feelings are of longer lasting duration. They
are more deeply rooted in the spirit and although they are influenced
from the exterior, they do not have to be motivated by any exterior
impulse, but rather by the spirit's own will. Feelings and emotions are
intimately linked. Feeling is capable of arousing emotions. They are like
the internal source from which they emanate, in such a way that, in
this aspect, emotions are a manifestation of feelings. Also, emotions,
especially those perceived from the exterior, influence feelings and
can be a stimulus to activate or repress them. In the ultimate
development of the feeling of love, in other words, when the feeling of
unconditional love is experienced, we then find ourselves in the
presence of a feeling that is never going to end, and which moreover
does not need any external stimulus to arouse or feed it.

In which part of the being do emotions and feelings originate?
Emotions and feelings of love originate in the spiritual body.

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