(avery) #1

love. Therefore, if you wish to be happy, stop seeking desperately for
others to love you and try to awaken your own feeling.

What would you say to the vain that would help them in their evolution?
You will never succeed in being happy by acquiring the admiration,
affection, success, and recognition of others. If you are dissatisfied with
your life, if you feel alone and empty, do not look outside for others to
blame for your unhappiness because the cause is not outside, but
rather within you. Do not seek to warm yourself with the fire of others
because you will never have sufficient. Light your own flame so that in
this way your state does not depend on what others do or do not do
for you. Leave egoism aside and love, because the only way to fill the
emptiness within is to love unconditionally.

What you are saying now seems to contradict what you said before. If
you renounce being loved by them, how can you love?

Perhaps I did not explain myself very well. You must not renounce
being loved. What I mean to say is that we seek happiness in the
wrong way. We put all the weight on one side of the scale and insist on
the scales being balanced.

I don't know what you mean exactly. Could you give me an example
which would help me to understand this?

Yes. Imagine that we gather all humanity together in a gigantic square
to share all the love that exists in the world. First we ask: “Who wants to
receive love?” We will see that one hundred percent of the people
raise their hand insistently saying: “Me, me. Me first. I am the one who
needs it most”. But if we now ask: “Who is willing to give their love?”,
we will see how quickly the square becomes empty and only a few of
those who were there remain to raise their hand. What will be left to
share? Just the love that a few give. Well this is what happens in your
humanity, only the love of a few sustains the world, because the
majority is only willing to receive, and not to receive love, but
principally to satisfy their egoism.

We wait, like passive subjects, for love to come from outside. For this
love from the outside to reach us by the art of magic, and make us
happy, without our having to do anything, as if it were a drug. But as I
say, even though we receive everything that we need, if we remain
passive, if we have not fought to conquer our egoism, those beings
that loves us will arrive to give us everything that they have inside them
and we will say “It is not sufficient, I am still not happy. I still need to be
given more”. And we will demand more and more because it will

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