(avery) #1

learn and is more developed, physically and mentally. Consequently,
evolutionary comparisons should not be made with others, but rather
with ourselves, with regard to how much we have been able to
advance from one incarnation to another, as the evolutionary level
does not depend solely on the swiftness with which we learn but also
the time that each spirit has been evolving. And as each being has a
different spiritual age, what generally occurs is that the oldest spirits are
more evolved than the younger ones, simply because they have spent
more time evolving. Nevertheless, there are particular cases of young
spirits that have progressed very rapidly and have overtaken others
older than themselves and vice versa, very old spirits that have
spiritually stagnated for a long time and that are overtaken by
generations of younger spirits.

Could you give an example to show the difference between the
evolutionary level and the speed of the evolutionary progress?

Yes, that of two cars that depart from the same point, but one departs
one hour before the other. The car that departs second is initially more
delayed. But if its speed is greater than that of the first car at some
point it will overtake the first car. The distance covered equates to the
evolutionary level of the spirit, whereas the speed is the rhythm of
evolution at each moment.

Going back to the issue of pride, can you explain then what pride is
and how it is manifested?

The main problem for spirits in the pride stage is the difficulty in
handling ingratitude, egoism and the lack of love of other people
towards them, especially if they have established emotional ties with
those people. Although proud spirits are easily able to love those that
love them, they still express difficulty in loving those that do not love
them. For this reason, the proud spirit resists accepting loved ones as
they are, with their virtues, but above all with their defects. Proud spirits
have great difficulty in admitting that they could be wrong in their
conceptions. It is hard for them to cope with unrequited love, in other
words, that there are people who, however much they are loved,
persist in their egoistic attitudes, particularly concerning very close
family, such as parents, siblings, partner, children, etc.
Let us look at the example of the behaviour of a woman in the pride
stage. In her relationships, she will expect some change in her loved
ones as a result of the efforts that she has made so that they change,
and she will despair, become depressed, or get angry when, in spite of
everything, she does not achieve this. She will be capable of allowing
herself to be absorbed provided they make a small gesture of

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