(avery) #1

are loved profoundly by God, by your guide, by a multitude of spiritual
beings, friends, your spiritual family, incarnate and disincarnate. And
even more. Each one of you has a soul mate, your other half, through
whom you will experience the awakening of pure and unconditional
love. All it needs is for you to become conscious of it.

The proud must also learn to cope better with the ingratitude of those
who hurt them because they have the capacity to comprehend those
who do not understand, and they have to understand that once they
were also in the same situation.

How would you suggest the proud cope better with the ingratitude of
others? I understand that it is not easy.

First, you must lose the fear of being yourself. You must free yourself
from the chains hung by those who say that they love you, but who by
their actions wish to subjugate you. But neither must you take the
opposite path, in other words, isolate yourself from human relationships
through fear of suffering. It is not bad to want to be loved, but you
must know that not everybody has the same capacity to love and we
must not demand that those that are close to us or simply live with us
daily respect us or love us with the same intensity as we love or respect
them, just because we would like to receive the same in return.
Because who is more guilty of disaffection, those who do not love
because they do not know how to (the vain), or those who, knowing
how to love, stop themselves from doing so through their defect (the

It is also important that you do not over-exert yourself in indulging
others, if this means renouncing your own free will, believing that in this
way you will be able to awaken in others the feeling that has still not
been awakened, because that over-exertion without a reward will
invoice you later in the form of deception, sadness, disillusionment,
bitterness, rage and impotence. As I have said genuine love is given
unconditionally, without expecting anything in exchange, and you
cannot oblige anyone to give anything that they do not want to or
cannot give.

Briefly, what else would you say to the proud that could help them in
their evolution?

When you feel sad or empty do not go into seclusion. Do not repress
your feelings believing that you will suffer less by not feeling, because
you will suffer even more and in addition it will be a futile suffering that
will lead you nowhere. Seek to live according to what you feel and not

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