(avery) #1

correspond to others to overcome, you are indulging them and not
helping them, as this prevents them from putting their capabilities to
the test, contributing to their spiritual stagnation. Real help would
consist of supporting and inspiring others to resolve for themselves their
own tests or circumstances, and consequently move forward.

Can you give me an example to clarify the difference between
helping and indulging?

Yes. Imagine two children in the same class to whom the teacher gives
school homework. For both children homework is a chore because
they prefer to play all the time, and they try to avoid doing it. Imagine
that the father of the first child, in order to avoid annoying the child
and so that the child does not have to face the mindset of having to
take to school homework that has not been done, decides to do it
himself instead of his child, whilst the latter continues playing quietly.
The second father opts to sit down with his child and help it so that the
child itself does the homework; even though that means that the child
interrupts its play for a while. The first father is the one who is indulgent,
because he carries out the tasks that the child considers tedious, but
he does not help, as the homework is a circumstance that corresponds
to the child, and is necessary for its learning. This father is encouraging
the child to become lazy, dependent and temperamental, and under
any circumstance to look for others to solve its problems. The second
father is not indulgent, because with his attitude he risks a possible
attack of anger from the child who does not want to interrupt its play,
but if he helps it, he encourages the child to learn and assume its

So is it bad to indulge those whom you love?
Not always. Only if when you indulge you do it at the cost of losing
your freedom and/or you encourage others to stagnate spiritually,
when you substitute for them in tests which are down to them to

Going back to the subject of pride, what advances have the spirits
achieved after overcoming the stage of pride?

The spirits feel more secure and conscious of their feelings, and that
they must live according to how they feel in order to be happy. They
have less fear of showing themselves as they really are. They are
therefore more open, happier, more spontaneous and freer, with
fewer barriers towards their feelings. They go less into seclusion. They
cope better with ingratitude. They are more understanding of others.
Bitterness and rage are awakened less because they over-exert

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