(avery) #1

And what is the origin of egoism from the evolutionary point of view? In
other words, at what point in the evolution of a spirit does egoism

Egoism is a prolongation of the animal survival instinct and begins to
appear the moment that spirits begin to decide for themselves, to
experiment with their free will. Spirits that now enter the human phase
of evolution have just used their capacity of free will for the first time.
Even though they already show an incipient development of
intelligence, due to their limited emotional development, their
decisions are still greatly influenced by instincts, amongst which the
survival instinct is dominant. Evolution occurs by becoming totally
independent from instincts, and seeking one's own way, resolute in
one's will, through learning from feeling.

Could you expand your answer as I don't quite understand it?
Of course. When spirits begin to exercise their recently acquired free
will, they do so from instinct, which is a kind of biological programming
that picks up the knowledge acquired by the proto-spirit during the
evolution phase in the animal kingdom and that is the seed from which
the independent will of the being is developed. It is like a configuration
by defect, a programme that allows spirits to make automatic
decisions regarding questions about which they still do not have the
capacity to decide for themselves. It is like an autopilot for student
pilots, which corrects the route for them when they still do not know
how to pilot, and allows them to experience piloting without crashing
while they are still learning to use the controls of the vessel. Among
these instincts is the survival instinct, which is like a programme that
drives the incarnate spirit to look for alternatives, in order to avoid the
extinction of life, under any type of circumstance, however adverse
this circumstance may be, and also the sexual instinct which is
necessary for the continuation of the species. It so happens that at the
same time spirits feel dissatisfied because they feel a new and
unknown impulse to feed their incipient emotional needs. Due to their
ignorance of feelings, they mistakenly believe that they can do this by
saturating themselves in the satisfaction of their instincts, which is what
they have always done, using their intelligence to this end without
considering the damage that this can cause to other beings.

According to what you are saying it appears that the existence of
egoism is something inherent in evolutionary development.

The fact that spirits, on their road towards perfection, pass through an
egoistic phase, more or less prolonged in time, capable of lasting a
multitude of incarnations, is inevitable, and even beneficial, because it

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