(avery) #1

of feelings cannot ask another that is less advanced to reach the
same level in a single life, if it took so many lives and endeavours to
achieve this themselves. The more advanced spirits will have to accept
that the less advanced spirits learn up to the given limit of their
capacity or will. They must remember that at some time their own
evolution was at that same level, and that somebody more advanced
than themselves was at their side, putting up with their egoistic

And what comes next, I mean when you overcome the proud stage?
You face the most difficult task. You still need to gain humility and
detachment, in other words, generosity at the time of sharing feelings -
objectives that need to be achieved in the arrogance stage.
The arrogant spirit is an already very advanced spirit in relation to the
average, and for that reason it is rare on your young planet to find
many spirits in the arrogance stage. These are mainly spirits originating
from other more advanced planets that have spent more time
evolving. Perhaps they surpass by many millennia the average spiritual
age on the planet. Their planets being more advanced, neither
injustice nor ingratitude exist hardly at all on them, consequently these
spirits do not find adverse circumstances in which to awaken their
defect. They come precisely to this planet because of its propitious
atmosphere for manifesting their defect. Earth being a planet where
injustice and ingratitude occur in abundance, these spirits put their
defect and will to the test, and in this way, through harder tests,
manage to advance more quickly. In their incarnations on less
advanced planets they usually choose to undertake missions of
spiritual aid to others, due to their great capacity, and because in this
way they can practise giving aid to others, which they need to do to
overcome their lack of humility and their difficulty in sharing feelings.

All this explanation has made me think of a list of further questions that
I would like to ask you to clarify for me. It has to do mainly with
emotions, feelings, the different manifestations of egoism that you have
put forward (vanity, pride and arrogance). I would like to know a little
more about them.

Go ahead, ask.

Before you said that feeling and thought have a different origin and
that egoism stems from the mind? With this do you mean that the act of
thinking is bad in itself?

Absolutely not. What I meant to say is that it is essential that you learn
to distinguish between what you feel and what you think, because it is

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