(avery) #1

Since we are speaking of love, I recall that you mentioned a couple of
times that we all have a soul mate.

That is right.

So do soul mates exist?

I always thought that it was a chimera, a romantic dream that only
existed in our imagination.

Well no. They really do exist. Another thing is that it is as you imagine it.

And what are soul mates?
One hundred percent kindred and complementary spirits created to
be united in love. Soul mates need each other to be totally happy.

And for each being is there only one soul mate or can there be

There can be kindred spirits which have a strong affinity between
them, but only one which is a hundred percent kindred, and that is the
soul mate.

With what aim were soul mates created?
So that nobody ever feels alone, so that there is somebody the same
as you, who impels you to wake up, and to travel along the path of
love. The soul mate is your ideal partner, your better half for all eternity.

Does this mean that soul mates incarnate simultaneously to be

Often yes, but not always. It depends on the evolutionary needs of
each spirit. Sometimes they must live through experiences by
themselves, for example, in order to advance in the development of
their own will and not become dependent on the other.

And when they incarnate together, do they do so to live as a couple?
This would be the ideal situation and often the incarnation is prepared
so that this happens, but not always. They can also incarnate together,
not as a couple, but as relatives, very close friends, or with another
relationship. It also depends on the evolutionary needs of each spirit
and what they choose to do. And we must also bear in mind the fact

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