(avery) #1

Back”. All of them have explored the answers to questions put under
hypnosis to thousands of people about their possible past lives before
they were born and they have recognised a number of common
elements in these experiences and have reached similar conclusions.

And what are those conclusions?
That physical life is no more than an instant of real life, which never
ends. That the death of the body is not the end, but rather a transition
stage towards another less limited existence. That we will all meet up
again with loved ones who passed to the other side before us and who
we will also meet again in subsequent incarnations. They tell us that a
plan really does exist for each one of us, which seeks to help us grow
both in wisdom and in love, and that it will be by our own merit,
through what we experience on the physical plane, in freedom.
That the circumstances that we face in life are not the result of
chance, but rather they are the consequence of acts carried out in
previous lives. That before we are born, we already know the tests that
we are going to face in this life and we prepare ourselves
conscientiously to be able to overcome them successfully.

I don ́t understand how they can reach these conclusions from what
was lived in other physical lives, when in those lives we have the same
consciousness as in this life, in other words, we are as unaware of the
existence of past lives as in this life.

Because many of them not only remember details of past lives, but
rather, at the same time, they remember the reason why they had to
go through certain lives and tests. In other words, they also remember
what happened to them during the periods in between physical lives,
when they were not incarnate. There are researchers who have
specifically studied those memories of the periods in between
incarnations, such as the doctor in psychology Michael Newton. Dr.
Newton has specialized in inducing very profound hypnotic states in
which people remember the space between one life and another and
the decisions which induced them to incarnate precisely at a certain
time, in a certain family and under certain circumstances. I
recommend his books “ Life between lives ” and “ Destiny of souls ”.

And what kind of tests or circumstances do we have to go through in
each life and why?

Many of those tests consist of experiencing in ourselves what we have
made others go through and facing the consequences of the
situations which we ourselves have created, so that we are conscious
of the suffering or happiness that these actions have brought upon

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