(avery) #1

between atonements and missions?
Yes. Families exist whose components, these being brothers and sisters,
parents or children, have been sworn enemies in other lives and may
have done a lot of harm, motivated by hatred, desire for revenge or
resentment that they have felt towards each other. These spirits would
incarnate together with the intention of toning down their harshness
through the stimulation of affection that comes from blood relatives. In
other words, this is atonement, in the sense that these spirits have debts
to settle between them, for having mutually caused harm, for having
acted in other lives against the law of love. In the case of missions,
spirits are not united now because they have debts to settle, but
because they love each other and they decide to incarnate together
in order to help each other mutually in the fulfilment of more
advanced spiritual objectives, which are to do with helping less
spiritually evolved beings, although at the same time this serves for
them to improve spiritually. Between those two extremes exist
intermediate situations of all shades, which consist partly of egoism
and partly of feeling, partly of atonement and partly of mission,
because as spirits advance along the path of spiritual evolution, they
have fewer and fewer debts to settle and more unconditional love to

But, in the case of atonement relationships, will this not produce the
opposite effect to what is intended? In other words, if people who hate
each other are forced to coexist under the same roof, will they not
generate abuse, ill- treatment, constant tension and arguments?

They are not forced, but they themselves have accepted the
suggestion of the spirit guides to overcome their bad feelings. The
abuse, ill-treatment and arguments to which you refer appear
because these spirits continue clinging to their bad spiritual habits and
do not wish to reform.

In any case, it seems to me too aggressive a therapy to bring together
in the same family people who hate each other. It is like putting all the
dangerous prisoners in the same cell. They would end up skinning
each other alive, wouldn't they? I do not see how love can arise from
that situation.

I did not say that all the people in the family get on badly with one
another. It may be, for example, that the conflict lies between father
and son, or between one sibling and another, but not between these
and other members of the family. Generally, in these families, more
advanced spirits also incarnate who give an example of how loving
conduct should be. The fact that spirits with similar defects incarnate

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