(avery) #1

We have always been told that the most spiritual way was to have a
partner forever, with that one phrase of “what God has joined, let no
man put asunder”. But now you tell me that having more partners is
“normal” and that this can be spiritually beneficial. Is there not a
contradiction here?

One thing is the bonds of love and another thing those of marriage. In
90% of marriages on Earth there is no true love, although this may not
be evident for spouses until some time has elapsed. But apparently,
having signed a piece of paper you do not have the right to change
your minds. When you choose your relationships based on your
feelings, then your relationships will be lasting, as those of advanced
worlds are. But bear in mind that what unites these couples is not
obligation, but feeling. Everyone maintains their freedom to choose
their partner and to decide to separate if they so wish, through their
own will, without having to report their decision to anyone. Be clear
about one thing - it is mutual love that causes two beings to be united,
each maintaining his or her individual freedom intact, not some signed
contract, even though this is before a priest, or an altar full of religious
relics and flowers, because it is not God who is uniting you but
yourselves, and the laws and customs that you have wished to invent.
What God has given you is the capacity to love, a soul mate so that
you experience that love and you are happy, and the freedom to
decide your destiny. But as I have already said, in your world, the few
couples who are united by feelings still have to overcome egoism itself,
which is so often stronger and able to dominate feelings. For this
reason the immortal phrase “What God has joined together let no man
put asunder” could be replaced by the following, much more
appropriate one and which turns out to be good advice to follow for
those wishing to experience true happiness: “What love has joined
together, let no egoism put asunder”.

So divorce is something positive from the spiritual point of view? It
always seemed the opposite to me, since the majority of Christian
denominations are opposed to divorce.

One thing is religion and another thing is spirituality. Having the
freedom to choose who to be with or not is always positive. It is positive
because it allows free will to be exerted and the spiritual world is
always in favour of free will. Forcing a person to be with somebody for
whom he or she does not have feelings, or, even when feeling love for
each other they are unable to coexist for whatever reason, merely
because of having signed a piece of paper, is harming their free will.
And you still believe that being united with a partner implicitly implies
renouncing a part of free will and this is not so. For example, you

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