(avery) #1

tissue stops acting in harmony with the rest. On losing its energy
pattern, the normal functioning of the cells is affected and genetic
alterations begin to appear which can either destroy them, hence
triggering a degenerative disease, or cause them to begin to grow
uncontrollably, hence triggering a cancer.

All this reminds me of what Barbara Ann Brennan, Doctor of Physics,
says in her books “Hands of light” and “Light Emerging”, with respect to
disease and what you recommended to me when we spoke about the
astral body. According to Dr. Brennan, psychological and emotional
problems are reflected in the astral body as areas that are dark or of
varying murky shades, and their origin lies in the negative ideas which
a person holds at a particular time. If these persist in the astral body
without being resolved, sooner or later they cause a manifestation in
the physical body of the person causing a disease. So is this true?

Yes indeed.

It also reminds me of the postulates of “the New Medicine”, which the
German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer declared. According to Dr. Hamer,
all cancer, or disease equivalent to cancer, begins with an extremely
brutal emotional conflict, experienced in solitude, and that depending
on the type of conflict, the cancer will develop in one organ or
another. In addition he says that the emotional conflict first affects the
brain, causing a type of short circuit, and that the region of the body
which is connected with that part of the brain is the one that suffers the
disease later. He also considers that the treatment of the disease
happens through the solution of the emotional conflict which
originated it. Is this doctor right?

What he says is quite correct, although not one hundred percent,
because not all diseases originate in emotional conflicts. However the
majority do.

And is it true that if the emotional conflict is resolved a cure for the
disease can be found?

Yes. But in order to solve the conflict there must be quite a deep
change in a person, because if that person persists in clinging to his or
her ego-feelings and repressing his or her feelings, one disease will
come after another, because even though certain conflicts have
been able to be resolved, others will come which will activate the
same ego-feelings. Therefore we arrive at the root of the problem -
what is really pathogenic, and the cause of disease, is egoism and its
manifestations, and what is curative and healthy is love and its
expression. And this is always fulfilled.

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