(avery) #1

But does that not happen to all of us, to a greater or lesser extent?
I mean, don't things happen in life to almost everybody, which cause
all kinds of annoyance, and which arouse rage, sadness, and
aggressiveness in us? Because I identify myself considerably with the
description that you have given with respect to the repression of
feelings, and nevertheless I do not have cancer.

Certainly, and for that reason almost all of you become ill from time to
time. But for a really serious disease to take hold, such as cancer, what
must happen is that people remain emotionally “trapped” by the
emotional unease, in the sense that this becomes a permanent
obsession, allowing themselves to be dominated by ego-feelings and
persisting in this attitude for a relatively long time, up to the point that
this prevents them from getting to sleep over a prolonged period.
What must also occur is that the person represses all forms of alleviation
and expression of these ego-feelings.

So a personality susceptible to cancer does exist?
Yes. Those people who allow themselves to be dragged down by ego-
feelings (rage, hatred, sadness, fear) and/or those who feel repressed
by the perception and/or manifestation of feelings.

So must I reach the conclusion that disease is a punishment for not
doing things well?

Not a punishment. It is a consequence of the internal emotional pain.
Those who cause it are also the ones who can remedy it, by making a
change in themselves from egoism towards love, from repression
towards expression of their authentic spiritual personality.

And what sense is there that someone who is already suffering so much
has to deal with such a strong disease as that? Perhaps they did not
have enough with their initial suffering?

Bear in mind that physical malaise is a consequence of inner malaise.
In this case, the physical disease acts as an alarm signal so that the
person realises the internal disease that he or she is suffering and is
motivated to change.

Yes, but if people do not recognise that the physical disease has
anything to do with the internal disease, how can this help them to

Physical disease debilitates the mental barriers which bind the
manifestation of the spiritual interior and therefore, help to acquire a
greater degree of sensitivity, as much regarding our own feelings as

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