(avery) #1

others. The tests are very varied, but generally they are tests which
intend us to continue to lose our egoism and grow in love.

And is it necessary to die or to have a near death experience in order
to experience the consciousness that you are your spirit and not your

No. In fact, you all have the capacity to separate yourselves
temporarily from your body and that ́s what happens in an
unconscious way in a stage of sleep. But there are people who are
able to consciously induce this separation through certain relaxation
techniques. Astral travel proves that consciousness is not bound to the

What is astral travel?
It is a temporary separation from the body. But why do you ask what
you already know? Did you not get here that way?

I was just trying to prove what others have described. One thing is the
theory and another thing is the practice. I didn ́t really expect anything
like this to happen!

Well, it does. Your body is not here. It ́s lying in your bed. But you are

Do you mean to say that not only are we able to live without being
bound to a body, but that being physically alive we can leave our
body and come back without death occurring?

That ́s right.

What exactly is separated?
The spirit is separated from the physical body which, as I said before, is
only a garment that is used in order to be able to act in the physical
world. However, this separation is only temporary and there is always a
bond between the two which is never broken and which allows you to
go back to your physical body without any kind of health problem. It ́s
called the silver cord.

What is the silver cord?
It ́s the bond of union between the astral and the physical body, like
an umbilical cord which provides the physical body with the vital
energy it needs to continue living in the absence of the astral body.
Clairvoyants usually describe this “cord” as a very elastic kind of silvery
thread that can be extended, to the point where, however much the
astral body is separated from the physical body, the cord always

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