(avery) #1

the feelings and sufferings of others. This is what can motivate the
person to change.

And if ill people change as a consequence of emotional suffering, will
they end up curing themselves?

The majority yes, but not in all cases. There are damages at a physical
level which cannot be repaired.

And can those who are not cured end up dying?

So what sense does the disease have, if, even though you make the
change you are not cured and you may die anyway?

Bear in mind that from the spiritual point of view physical life is no more
than a moment of real life, that death of the body is not the end, nor is
it anything bad, but rather a transition stage towards another less
limited existence. Disease is an instrument of aid for the progression of
the being towards a greater level of understanding, love and wisdom.
As I have already said before, physical disease debilitates the mental
barriers that oppress the manifestation of inner sensitivity which is what
really helps us to evolve. The change that you may have made in
yourself, with respect to evolution in love, is not lost. You take it with you
wherever you go, and it is the most valuable thing that you can get
from your life. It can be the objective of a whole incarnation, through
which, once achieved, the person can return to the spiritual world
calmly satisfied with his or her work. In fact it is the only thing that we
take with us when we die, the changes that we have been able to
make in ourselves, in our spirit, because everything that constitutes
material gain remains in the material world. Jesus referred to this when
he said: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth
and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy,
and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure
is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew ( 6:19-21)

But if these people die, how will they put into practice what they have

Bear in mind that they will continue living in any case, whether bound
to the body, or separated from it. In either case, what they have
learned will form a part of them and will help them to continue

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