(avery) #1

Yes but, what about their relatives and loved ones? Will it not be a
huge blow after going through such a terrible disease, having fought
and changed, that even then, they become separated from loved

Whether it is through disease or natural death, separation from loved
ones is only temporary. We will all be reunited again with loved ones
on the other side. Bear in mind that when spirits are born in the physical
world, they are also separating from loved ones who do not incarnate
at that moment. Nevertheless, that is not a trauma for them, since they
understand that it is a temporary separation and that the spirit that
incarnates does so in order to progress spiritually. For that reason they
do not feel a sense of loss as you do. When you wish to internalise the
fact that life never ends and that the death of the physical body is not
the end, but only a state of transition in order to pass to the spiritual
plane, many of the problems, traumas and depressions which are a
consequence of the death of the loved one will disappear.

And what happens with those who do not solve their conflict and die as
a result of the disease?

They have stagnated spiritually, through not having realised the
change that they needed in order to pass their test and to surpass
themselves. They are the ones who have “thrown in the towel” in the
battle for spiritual improvement, in other words, in view of the fact that
they did not advance spiritually, they themselves have activated their
return to the spiritual world. They will come with the same tests to try to
overcome in their next lives.

Returning to the subject of the origins of disease, is it not the case that
there are people who apparently do not have any emotional conflict
and are relatively happy who also suffer diseases like cancer? And
what will you say to me about a new born baby with a congenital
disease who does not yet have sufficient consciousness to experience
an emotional trauma.

That’s a very good question. With respect to new born babies bear in
mind that from the moment when spirits join onto the embryo, they feel
and perceive everything that happens around them, and also what
the mother feels, and, therefore, are susceptible to developing an
emotional trauma during the period of gestation, which can be a
reason for the development of a physical disease. But it is certain that
there are diseases which are not associated with any emotional
conflict and therefore this is not the origin in all cases. There are those
that you call congenital diseases, that is to say they have a genetic
origin, others having a mixture of emotional component and genetic

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