(avery) #1


Where does the disease come from in this case?
Its origin lies in the actions which we carried out in other lives. This
involves tests to eliminate accumulated debts, acts against the law of
love, committed through the impetus of egoism.

I do not understand what you mean. What has a disease got to do with
an act in the past? How can a disease be transmitted from one life to
another? Could you explain more clearly?

When somebody commits some act against the law of love, by the
law of action and spiritual reaction, this act is impregnated in their spirit
in the form of psychic toxin, lowering their vibratory level and altering
the configuration. This alteration, through vibratory correspondence,
also ends up altering the densest bodies, the mental body and
therefore the astral body, which is the model for the future physical
body. If the astral body still maintains this alteration when incarnating, it
can bring about an alteration in the genetic code of the physical
body and hence bring about a congenital disease. Therefore, it
continues to be certain that the cause of disease is egoism, although
this may be egoism from a previous life.

Yes, but there are genetic alterations that are known to be inherited, in
other words, they are already part of the genetic inheritance from the
parents. That is to say, they do not appear to be generated from the
astral body of the incarnating spirit. What can you tell me regarding

It is very certain that the predisposition to certain diseases is inherited
genetically from the parents. But rest assured that incarnating spirits are
aware of this circumstance and accept it, knowing that it is a test of
physical or psychic incapacity which they must go through, as a result
of acts in other lives. Also it is a test for the parents, who also consented
at the time to go through this type of difficult situation.

Well I believe that if you say this to those people who are living through
this situation themselves or with a loved one, they will not accept it.
Surely they will think “what have I done or what have we done to
deserve this?”

It is very normal for them to think this, because in order to be able to
understand this in all its magnitude, first they would need to admit that
life exists before birth and that during that time spirits have created the
circumstances which are now to be encountered in their next lives. In
the end, this is a transitory situation, because life continues beyond

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