(avery) #1

that incarnation, and a lesson in love can be learned from this critical
situation which they are going through, and this is what is intended.

What would you say to those parents who have children or family with
some kind of psychic or physical deficiency which prevents them from
leading the life of a normal person, whether this is from birth or caused
by some circumstance in life, such as an accident?

Act how you would act with normal children, because that is what
they are. Do not judge by appearance. Look beyond the body and
you will find souls just like the rest. See in those children, in those loved
ones, not the imperfect body but rather the perfect spirit and treat
them as they are, complete beings, as behind that defective covering
are beings who live, feel and perceive the same or even more
intensely than any of the others who have a healthy body. Anyone
who knows music will say that the music does not come from the
instrument, but rather from the soul of the musician who plays it. If the
violin is not tuned or is broken that does not mean that the violinist does
not know how to play, but only that he sees himself as temporarily
impeded from playing as he knows how to, and that he will be
capable of increasing his musical talent independently whether the
instrument which is put into his hands is more or less out of tune.
Likewise do not deny those spirits the possibility of capturing and
expressing the music of the soul, which is love, purely because their
instrument is, temporarily, a body that is out of tune. Do not believe
that it is a sterile effort to speak to them, to express and transmit to
them feelings and affection that you would give to normal children,
because what beings do not perceive through the physical senses,
they perceive through the senses of the spirit, which are much more
sensitive, especially in perceiving acts of love. If they do not reply as
someone with a healthy body would, it is not because they do not
perceive it, but rather because their physical state impedes them from
expressing themselves in the physical world as they would like. Nothing
that you do for them from feeling will be in vain, because in the
spiritual world nothing that is done for love and with love is lost. As I
have said and I repeat, physical or mental deficiency is a passing
circumstance which will end once the body is extinguished. But the
feelings which have been aroused and strengthened through this
experience, both for those who suffered it and the people around
them, will endure as a spiritual achievement forever, and this is what
really matters.

But what can be learnt from this?
To become sensitised through your own suffering and that of others,

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