(avery) #1

because surely in another life those same people who suffer have
caused similar suffering to others and they have not wanted to be
conscious of the damage that they were doing. This is the first step to
love, to be conscious that others feel just as we do and they suffer just
as we suffer.

And what is the spiritual meaning of a congenital disease, if indeed
there is one?

In this case, the disease is a process by means of which spirits transfer
to the physical body the psychic toxins which prevent them from rising
towards a higher degree of spiritual evolution. The body, through the
disease, absorbs the impact of the psychic toxin and carries out a kind
of drainage, as if it were a sponge which absorbs it, thus contributing
to its elimination. In other words, the spirit transfers the toxic load to the
physical body which acts as a kind of cloth for absorbing dirt. This “dirt”
is what brings about disease on a physical level, but contributes to
cleansing the most subtle bodies, in the same way as a sewage
system. Also there are spirits that choose to use disease as a type of
toxin drainage system in the final part of their life. In other words,
although they have not suffered any serious disease during their life,
when the moment of disincarnation approaches, as they are no longer
going to use that body any more, they make use of it to transfer a part
of the psychic toxic load which has accumulated in the more subtle
bodies, and in this way they are cleansed. This case is very frequent,
and no matter how much we try to avoid disincarnation it is totally
impossible, since there is no emotional conflict involved, but rather a
spiritual purification.

And if someone commits an act against the law of love, will that person
come into the next life obliged to suffer through disease?

No, as I have said there are several ways to eliminate the psychic toxin.
With acts of love, beginning by repairing the evil which was
committed, the toxic element is eliminated from the spirit without
needing to go through a disease. For this reason I said before that if the
cause of the disease is egoism, love is the antidote and the remedy for
all ills. Therefore, spirits do not necessarily have to go through diseases,
in order to be released from these ills. But because this is a quick way
of freeing themselves from them, many spirits choose it. What is clear is
that while nothing is done to eliminate it, the toxic load stays there,
preventing the progress of the spirit towards greater levels of love and

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